The 7 Principles of Deep Prosperity

One of the issues that comes up time and time again for me personally and with the women in my UNBOUND community, is how to create a truly abundant, sustainable income in a way that feels good.

There’s SO much content out there about how to make more money, including the ubiquitous ‘Here’s how to get to six-figures!’ It’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed, confused and just plain broken when it comes to money.

(And before we go any further, I want you to know that you are most definitely NOT broken, unbound one).

What I’ve found over the past few years is that for the unbound woman, it’s not enough to work on your own individual money stuff, sit back and watch your income increase. Although working through your personal money blocks is helpful, your soul demands more than that.

I’ve been coming together in community with other women to explore what’s going to be demanded of us, as we move forward and initiate new ways of being and creating in the world. Because the one thing we can be sure of right now is that new ways are required. Our Unbound Selves won’t allow us to operate comfortably within the old, patriarchal structures. We’re being called to create the new, rather than trying to squeeze into existing ways. (Have you been feeling that?)

This is why so many unbound women struggle to bring in the money they desire. (If you’re one of them, know you’re not alone). Even if you’ve been following all the advice that’s out there and you’ve done a HUGE amount of inner work (as I’m sure you have), most of this is based on the old ways. And these will not work for you.

It’s time for something different, unbound one.

Recently I co-created a new online group with my unbound sister, Tonia Gaudiuso. It’s called the Sacred Money Circle  and it’s designed to be a space where women can come together  to uncover any fears, doubts and limiting stories they’ve been telling themselves about money, so they can open up to receive MORE. Coming together to do this work in community is transformational, courageous and I believe VITAL at this time.

As the Circle has come into being and my excitement for money has been reignited, I’ve been reflecting on a set of Deep Prosperity principles I wrote towards the end of 2017. These principles were based on what was coming up for me personally and with my clients. And they still stand. They’re designed to be a framework within which we can reimagine our relationship with money.

Let me share them with you.

Here are the seven guiding principles:

KINDNESS I commit to making money in a way that’s deeply kind to myself, to others and to the planet.

CONSCIOUS I commit to making conscious choices about how I spend and make my money.

FREEDOM I commit to making and spending money in a way that supports the freedom of myself and others.

COLLECTIVE I understand that the way I relate to money doesn’t just impact me, but the collective. I commit to bringing more love and generosity into my relationship with money with the intention of healing the collective.

CONTRIBUTION I commit to contributing a proportion of any money I make to good causes, either individuals or organisations that are working to create new ways.

ABUNDANCE I remember that we live in an abundant Universe and my own true nature is abundance. I commit to allowing money to flow, to create, to surprise, to delight and to expand.

CONNECTION I commit to using money in a way that builds connection with myself and others, rather than fostering competition and isolation.

These are the principles of Deep Prosperity as they stand right now. I’m certain they will evolve, particularly as we continue to come together in the Sacred Money Circle.

Deep Prosperity is bone deep. As an unbound woman it’s not enough to experience prosperity at surface level, it has to run through every aspect of your life and business, and flow out into the collective.

As you read the principles, I want you to know that Deep Prosperity is a practice not a set of rules. I’m certainly not meeting all of these commitments all of the time. The idea is to invite these principles into your life and business and explore what happens.

As a starting point to shift your relationship with money and open up to receive more, you might like to journal on these questions:

What do the words Deep Prosperity mean to me?

Which of the above principles resonate with me most? How can I bring more of this quality into my personal relationship with money right now?

How do I want to change the way I experience money over the next twelve months? What would help me to do that?

I’d love to hear your answers in the comments below.

And if this article has resonated, click here to find out more about the Sacred Money Circle and how to be part of upcoming sessions.


  1. I love these…..I felt good with each one. But Abundance held me up. That one made me uncomfortable. I do believe logically, in the abundance of the Universe. But sometimes (like now) I’m having a hard time feeling it soul-ly. Waiting on some money (errors on my parr, and school checks) and it feels like I’ve been waiting fooorever. Usually, every now and then I look up the amount of money in play, generally just in America, and sometimes also all of Earth. It reminds me of how many and high up the “numbers” go, and clearly can go even more. I also moved to a prosperous state (but also prosperous in sunniness, and chill vibes) to be closer to the life I want to live. But though I’ve upped my money game, I’m still in that “feast or extreme famine” game. Thinking about abundance tonight, while working retail (in a prosperous neighborhood), and will remind myself to be gentle with myself, and fierce in my #goals. Thank you<3

    1. I get it Amanda and I love your declaration to be gentle AND fierce around this.

      Abundance is something we’re focusing on over in The Unbound Collective this month. I’d love to see you over there where you could be part of the ongoing conversation around abundance.

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