The Unbound Collective

It's time....

Dear unbound one,

A movement is starting. Are you feeling the call to be part of it?

If you're reading this...

You're one of the pioneers,

the trailblazers,

the mapmakers.

You're here to live fully and freely in and from your gift.

You're here to lead with pleasure, rather than obligation.

You're here to harness the gentle (and awesome) power of your cyclical nature.

You're here to bring it ALL (even the parts of you that in the past you’ve been told are too much or not enough).

You're here to be and do MAGIC (rather than trying to follow formulas that just won’t work for you as an unbound woman).

You're a creator not a consumer.

And you KNOW that when we come together, we become more. Even though you might have had challenging experiences with groups of women in the past, there’s a part of you that remembers you were never meant to do this alone.

Your Unbound Self thrives in sisterhood. She loves the interaction, activation, deep connection, support (and sometimes friction) that comes with being in circle with other women.

This is where she grows and evolves and remembers ALL she is - being witnessed in the most potent way by her unbound sisters (and doing the same for them).

That's why I’m inviting you to join The Unbound Collective, a magically potent online space for unbound women.

The Unbound Collective is a place for you to soar,

a place for you to be fully expressed,

a place for you to be beautifully supported as you step into your role as one of the new wave of leaders the world needs right now.

Will you join us?

I, for one, am tired of doing this alone. I crave sisterhood, community and deep, true connection. As the old structures fall away, we’re each being called to create something new, to find our own unique ways. And to do that, we need to know we have the support of other women who truly get us.

That's why I created The Unbound Collective.

Within this space you’ll find the support, understanding, joy and inspiration you’ve been looking for.

Each month within The Collective there's a different focus, as you’re activated to let go of any old needs to fit in and get it ‘right’ and become more fully and magnificently YOU. 

You'll also be invited to our monthly group calls where we come together to co-create magic. Starting with an activation, meditation or visualisation, there will then be space for sharing within the circle. (These calls are offered on a pay-what-you-can basis).

Come join us!

Too many women are leading a half-life of chronic dissatisfaction and frustration. And the whole world suffers because of this.

We're each being called upon now to rise up and step and into our fullest, limitless potential.

As the old structures fall away, it's time to create new ways.

These ways won't come from isolation and separation. They'll come from deep connection to ourselves and others.

And YOU are a vital part of this unbound one.

This is your rallying call!

Can you feel it? A full body 'YES' to being your freest, most magnificent unbound self and doing that within a circle of sisters who get you.

Come join The Unbound Collective now!

Introducing your host in The Unbound Collective

Nicola Humber is a soul-mentor to unbound women. She activates recovering good girls to embrace their so-called imperfections and shake off the tyranny of 'shoulds', so they can be their fullest, most magnificent unbound selves.

Nicola left a comfortable 9-5 in finance back in 2009 to retrain as a hypnotherapist and coach. Since then she has helped hundreds of women worldwide to overcome blocks and shift limiting beliefs, so they can achieve their goals.

She's the author of Heal Your Inner Good Girl & UNBOUND and the founder to The Unbound Press.

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