Interview with Vision-Matchmaker, Clare Roche

Recently I had the opportunity to record a conversation with my dear friend and mentor, Clare Roche (check out this photo of us at my pre-book-launch celebration earlier this year). 
Clare helps leaders of world-changing and paradigm-shifting businesses to tune into the highest vision for their lives and guides them to create that in the most aligned and blissful way possible.

During our conversation, we talked about:

  • How the whole planet is elevating and why you might have been aware of the intense energies recently.
  • The signs that it’s time to tap into a new level of vision for your life and business
  • How many of us as light-workers are not fully primed to be the leaders we’re here to be and why we need to create spaces and communities for us to do that
  • The sometimes very subtle boundaries and structures you need to put in place to step into your highest, unbound vision
  • And new paradigm wealth and what it takes to be a custodian of that.

A full transcript of our conversation is below the video.

Nicola: Hello everyone and welcome to this special conversation that I’m having today. I’ve invited a very dear friend and mentor of mine, Clare Roche, to join us. Clare helps leaders of world changing and paradigm shifting businesses to tune into the highest visions for their lives and guides them to create it in the most aligned and blissful way. And the reason why I wanted to have this conversation with Clare today is she is someone who I’ve worked with very closely in tuning into my own highest vision of what I wanted to bring to the world with unbound and the qualities that I wanted to infuse into my life and my business. 

I worked with Clare very closely last year during the writing of my latest book Unbound and she really helped me to kind of uncover the true essence of what I wanted to share in my writing. And what I’ve found with Clare, when I came to work with Clare at a time when I was feeling very uncertain about where I was with my business, with my work, I knew that I was on the edge of something. That something knew wanted to come forward but I had no clear idea of what it was. And I know that a lot of you may be [inaudible 00:01:41] in a similar position at the moment. I’m hearing from a lot of people that it feels like you’re in this place where there is a lot of uncertainty and you’re not completely clear about how you want to move forwards.

So I wanted to have this conversation with Clare to touch on some of the areas. And I say touch on some of the areas but we can’t help but dive deep when Clare and I have a conversation. Say, to dive into some of the questions that might be coming up for you at the moment. So welcome, Clare.

Clare: Thank you so much, Nicola. It’s one of my favorite things to do to talk with you so I’m really happy to be here and share and create alchemy together, what we can share to other to be of service.

Nicola: Yeah, let’s see what wants to come forwards. So I want to start of, Clare, by … I mean, it feels like we are living in … And it like can feel quite chaotic at the moment. There’s a lot of change happening at the moment. And that can feel, it can feel quite uncomfortable for a lot of people. And I wanted to ask you, now why is this such an important time for us to be living the unbound visions for our lives? Why at this specific time?

Clare: Yes, absolutely. The world’s elevating. We’re so used to being focused on our own personal transformation and stepping into the next level for ourselves, but actually, the world is going through that collectively as well. So those of us are here to be shepherds and to be way seers and to shine the light for others. It’s so, so important that we are living fully into the highest vision that we are here for. That we are capable of. And so that we can actually create critical mass across the planet for teaching and supporting others and raising the frequency for everybody else. And to see and support each other in doing so.

I mean, the energies have been incredibly intense recently. So anyone with sensitivity would have been feeling that. And actually, the more aligned and on path you are, the easier those kinds of planetary shifts are to navigate. So it’s just actually makes our own journey and the planetary and collective journey smoother. And we’re able to see more clearly and make sense. When the more aligned we are with who we are, and exactly what we’re here for. It makes everything else bearable. It makes sense once we have that deep knowing.

Nicola: Yeah, yeah. So it’s not just for us individually to make things play more easily, but as a collective.

Clare: Yes, and people that you and I will be connecting with Nicola are the people who chose to come to the planet at this time. To help this transition that literally where we came in. So we need to be fully awake and in gear and at full capacity to play our part in the giant jig saw puzzle of these times.

Nicola: Absolutely, absolutely. There’s no holding back. I mean, there is this real kind of sense of urgency and a moment about doing what’s work. 

Clare: Yeah so life’s more fun and easy when we’re in our unbound selves.

Nicola: It absolutely is. It is. Whenever we resist that, that’s where it can feel kind of sticky and we can feel this kind of sense of kind of chaos and uncertainty. So what are the signs that people might be experiencing that it’s time to tap into the next level, a new vision for their lives and their business?

Clare: Yes, well the first thing to bare in mind is that there are always signs but they may come in different ways. And they’re related really to where you are on the scale of availability to the next level of your vision. So I’m sure you can relate, I certainly can, Nicola, to times in our lives where we need that big crashing knock on the door. First, we manage to ignore the more subtle signs. Because sometimes life will present us with really big signs.

I had a client a number of years ago who in a space of a week was made redundant, her relationship ended and her landlord needed the apartment back. I mean, talk about stripping away of all the structures that were holding up that level of her life. So that she had no choice but to go forward. But thankfully, not all of the signs that it’s time for a new vision are that extreme. 

You may be feeling a general sense of dissatisfaction or the unease or longing, knowing that something else is trying to get through, trying to get your attention. Knowing that you’re here for something else, something more, but you can’t put your finger on it. Certainly, that was how I felt for a long time. And it was such an embodied kind of visceral feeling. I couldn’t even get the words out sometimes, I just knew that this wasn’t exactly me and what I was here to do.

Other signs can be, actually, that you’re really successful on the outside. And this can be some of the hardest place to be but it feels really horrible on the inside. So you may be generating a lot of money in your business, you may have a lot of following but actually, the next level of vision is calling you and it just doesn’t feel good anymore. You’ve fallen out of love for it or the way that you’re being within that isn’t a match for the next level of vision. So it’s your being-ness that needs attention. You might be overworking or …

So really, it’s that we can be called in so many ways and ideally, as we evolve and grow ourselves up the availability scale, we get to a stage where actually, we just get told. I mean, I have visioning as one of my regular practices so I spend a lot of time in meditation and availability, what’s next? What would you have me do? Who would you have me be? And all kinds of questions that allow that vision to come through me. And I found that now I can actually … I’m much more tuned to the subtler signs and the whispers and the simple guidance.

And that’s about … actually being able to listen and catch it and then respond. Because we can catch the subtle signs but if we don’t respond to them, then we tend to get stronger and louder signs. For me, I prefer to catch and respond because it’s far easier.

Nicola: Absolutely. You’d rather than just have everything crashing down. Okay, I believe that. And I just want to kind of follow up here by saying what … And I think this is the value in working with somebody else, kind of where we’re doing this, because we’re talking about … In my introduction, I’ve mentioning how you worked with world-changing and paradigm-shifting businesses. And that comes out, people can hear that, and I know I’ve had and thought, “Oh my goodness, well that can’t be me. Who am I to do that?” And we might have a sense that we’re here for something important, we’re here to do really important, vital work. 

We may have that sense internally, but actually to acknowledge that, to come forward as a leader and say, “Yes, I’m here to do that.” That can feel really challenging when it’s just kind of this kind of maybe vague sense that you’ve got. I found this in my work with you, you were able to access really specific information that was coming through, which backed up the senses that I had. Which is so … It’s so important you can just feel that like oh my goodness, maybe I’m just making all of this up and who am I to be thinking this?

Have you found that with other people you’ve worked with?

Clare: Oh, absolutely. To be honest, every single light-worker and change-maker I’ve ever met has not been primed for absolutely, this is who I am. I’m a global leader, I’m here to shift paradigm of the world. But you are. Look at what you’re doing with your unbound message. It’s paradigm shifting. And so that’s the benefit, that’s what I’m just … I was just built this way. I didn’t decide to be this, but yeah I can see through all those layers of personality and conditioning and limitation that comes from outside of us to the true essence of the person. And then hold that frequency for them while we support them to get there themselves.

And we all need that. That’s why we need the special spaces and communities that enable us to stay at that level of knowing. The kind of external level that matches that we have inside, the part we haven’t even dared to really say out loud. 

Nicola: Exactly, exactly. So what other specific … We’re talking about your highest vision, your unbound vision, and that feels really big and expansive and free. But what other specific boundaries and structures that we can put in place as unbound women to help us feel truly supported as we expand into our new vision?

Clare: Yes, this is one of those delicious paradoxes that you need boundaries and containers to be unbound. 

Nicola: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Well, that’s what I say, unbound doesn’t mean un-boundary. We need those, absolutely.

Clare: Yeah, so for me and people I work with, the very first step is to really know yourself. Know your energy, know your triggers, know what enables you to thrive and what detracts from your highest frequency and your highest being. And then actually accept that and advocate for it. So put yourself in situations that nurture that and respect and honor that. And to be honest, step away from supporting those situations that don’t. That’s how we step into our power.

So it could be where you’re shopping. Like, does it serve you as an energy center to go into a big shopping complex. Or do you support small market-based places. It can get really specific like that to find out the spaces and ways of movement in the world that suite you. And also, to be really compassionate while you’re figuring all of that out. That’s one of the cool things about really knowing yourself and your gifts and your energy and how all of that works, is because many people come to me and they just felt wrong. They just felt like they didn’t fit in society and the way it works.

But actually, the more we know ourselves, and the more that we could come out the path through what exists so that we’re able to birth anew. That’s really liberating. So it might be that you … Like for me, I’ve been invited to speak recently an event that had a thousand speakers, it was on for like five days, and there were just going to be thousands and thousands of people. Now, I’m staying open to considering it, but that’s going to be really tensing on my energy system. I’m highly sensitive, I’m a multi-sense intuitive. So that’s a work out for me.

So I may do it, I may not. I’ve learned many tools and tips along the way to help me manage my energy. But when we don’t know as much about ourselves, we can get fried, we can get taken out, and it’s really important to know yourself. Is the key. And then invest and put yourself in the spaces and places and with the kinds of people that see that, understand that, and are set up for it. Like, yeah. I’ll leave it there for now. It’s such a big topic.

Nicola: It is. It is. Just speaking, I’m thinking, it really demands or asks that we cultivate this sense of self trust as well. Trusting that because you spoke to the sense that a lot of us have had … And I’ve certainly had this and I can still have it at times when oh, there must be something wrong with me. Because it doesn’t feel like I fit. I can’t do it in that way. So we have to develop this sense of no, this is me, this is the way that I have to do it, just because other people are doing it this way doesn’t mean that I have to. And really, like you say, follow those really … It can be very, very specific, and very, very subtle as well. Like, the differences that we need to lean in to in order to feel supported.

Clare: Yes, absolutely. And what you’re speaking to there is so powerful. It’s interesting because other minority communities have learned this like decades. Whether it’s the LGBT pride parade and having community events where, although you’re in a society that may not celebrate and recognize you, there are spaces within that where that happens. Or within universities that cater to specific groups. It’s like, I really am passionate about light workers and change-making. 

Also, like learning from these groups. When I develop my retreats and my programs, I’m really passionate about being very spacious and having the kinds of flexibility and fluidity that they respond to the needs to the needs of energy sensitives. So I won’t be over-packing like my retreats. I’ve been on retreats where they’re scheduled from 9:00AM till 9:00PM everyday. I come out feeling more exhausted then I went in. 

Nicola: And imagine running that kind of retreat as well. The kind of containers that we want to create as well, yeah, that’s the reasoning.

Clare: That the more you know yourself … And it’s really important that it’s not from a victim place. It’s not like, oh, I’m too sensitive, I can’t do that. It’s like, well, will this support me to stay in my high self? Will this, it help me stay in inspiration when a lot of what the world is mirroring back to me isn’t going to be that helpful? Though it’s about being empowered to know what’s going to really support and serve you. To put your money there, to put your time and attention there, and allow yourself to be who you are. Find those places. Create those spaces. That’s what I’m really passionate about.

Like, my inquiry in my work for years is being how to do this and thrive. Like, yes we’re here to shepherd this change through and we can’t come to be over-worked and on technology all day long and fried and overwhelmed and all of that. It’s just no, that’s not success.

Nicola: Exactly.

Clare:It;s not the unbound way.

Nicola: No, it’s not. It’s not.

Clare: So saying, “No,” and, “This is who I am, and I deserve and I’m going to find or I’m going to create what we need.”

Nicola: Absolutely. Absolutely. Love that. So much more we could say on that, I’m sure but … I wonder, I want to talk about money, actually because … I know, this is always a big thing that’s coming up in my community and to myself personally. But this month, in my membership community, we’ve been focusing on abundance. And it feels like, I don’t know, almost kind of redefining abundance at the moment in an unbound way, which is really exciting. And you talk about the idea of new paradigm wealth. And I wonder if you could speak a bit to that? And what it means to be a custodian of this new paradigm wealth.

Clare: Oh, absolutely. It’s one of my favorite topics. For me, new paradigm wealth is one that’s based in oneness, rather than dualism. So it’s wealth that works for everybody in a world that works for everybody. Within dualism, the expansion of wealth to somebody means a constriction to somebody else. So the kind of wealth that we saw based on slavery or on the pillaging of mother earth, for example. Like, when you’re based on in those old ideas of sort of slave-master paradigm. Like, we can’t but go wrong with any kind of wealth frequency building. And that’s what’s so many of us have been reacting against. The model, the wealth, isn’t high, isn’t in the light. 

But there is a new possibility. It’s about transcending personal desires for wealth so that you get to a place where not only are your needs met, but that every expansion that you step into, you’re recirculating wealth in a really meaningful way. In a way that uplifts others and inspires others. I mean, this is a really long conversation but that’s … I would like to give two ways to get started.

One is to be however much or little you feel like you’re flowing in abundance right now. Like, start to be really conscious about how you recirculate your wealth. Because I can guarantee that anyone listening to this conversation is already so much more wealthy than so many of the people on the planet. So be really conscious. How do you choose to recirculate the wealth that is flowing in your life? So where do you … Start with your food shopping, even. I’ve been in the last year really playing with the concept of zero waste home. Really looking at shopping. And then tithing as well. Like however small amount you’re tithing, I highly, highly recommend. Because for your own energy frequency, you get into this feeling that there’s more than enough. Like all of your needs are met and you have some to give.

So it’s really, really beneficial and that’s how, when you start to grow your wealth, then you have no worries because you only increase the amount of good that you can do in the world. And it doesn’t trigger the parts that’s just like, I’m going to be this greedy, horrible capitalist like person who’s cut off from the rest of the world and doesn’t accept anybody. Or whatever it might be. It’s like there’s so much good when light workers get their hands on serious wealth and prosperity.

And it’s time for us to take charge and to step into being the people who can flow and move world changing amounts of money. Certainly, that’s my own personal intention. That I continue to grow myself to be able to handle and be a good steward of streaming large amounts of money. Not because I want some giant house with gold tiles on the bathroom. But because of the amounts of light I can bring. And that can start with the tiniest, tiniest amount because it’s a practice. It’s who you are and what you do.

And then the second thing is to get really clear on the abundance of you. No everybody needs like my intention to be shepherding huge amounts of money. It’s actually much more empowering and liberating to know what your level is. What’s the size of money that you need to have for your mission on the earth? And to actually grow into that rather than somebody else’s arbitrary levels of you have to have six or a seven figure business, whatever it might be.

It’s actually so much more liberating to know what your own personal frequency is meant to be to fulfill on the greatest level of your expression in the world. Your vision, your mission, it’s so much more tailored than people teach. Everyone’s aiming for these levels with zeros on the end. And I found that with clients, once you can actually get the correct figure for them and then align them with it, everything’s starts to flow and then you become the conduit and the custodian so much faster. And the recirculation of wealth is going into the right people’s hands.

I could say so much, I get so passionate about this because I see so many people still suffering. And the limitations that we place on ourselves around money, it’s so costly. So …

Nicola: Absolutely, absolutely. And I love what you speak to there about, again, it’s like it comes back to kind of self-knowing and it’s very specific. And we’ve both been in this industry for a number of years now and that has been this expectation that everyone is going for the same kind of level of income and six figure, seven figure. And it’s just … A lot of … As unbound women we just switch off from that. We may be able … It may look attractive for a while or it may have looked attractive for a while, but it’s like no. We don’t have that kind of felt … The kind of almost physical, cellular like connection with those kind of figures. And there’s that resistance to it which has left so many women, I think, really struggling in those businesses.

Clare: Yes. And the unbound path, it can’t be contained in that way. Like, it’s a state of being-ness. Not how much money you have in your bank account. And it’s also not outside of money and healing your money story. Because that will contain you like nothing else. 

Nicola: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it’s really important to do that healing work around money in order to make an unbound life?

Clare: Yeah, I know that some people want to spread light by living outside of the money system, and I really respect that but that’s not what I sense … Not what I’ve been told we need to do to really transform it. Because the money system, as all of the systems in society are available to be transformed and up-leveled and upgraded and to also step into their higher cushion. And I want to be in part of that. 

Nicola: It just feels really exciting. When we change our perception, when we think about it that way, this is an opportunity to really elevate and transform the currently existing systems that we have. Yeah.

Clare: It’s a journey. I mean, I’m speaking this as someone who nearly was nearly sick the first time I charged 50 pounds for a session. It’s a journey, it’s a process. 

Nicola: Yeah.

Clare: But it’s one of the place that most people are firstly liberated in.

Nicola: Absolutely.

Nicola: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Clare, could carry on talking to you all day, as always. But I think we touched on, well we haven’t just touched on though, we’ve kind of … You’ve given us a lot to think about in different areas around tuning into our highest, most unbound visions and how to begin to unleash those into the world.

For everyone listening to what you had to share, I know you offer different programs and you’ve got a retreat coming up at the moment. How can people find out more about you and how they can work with you if they chose to?

Clare: Yes, thank you so much. Yes, I have a retreat coming up this Autumn in Spain, which is so, so exciting. I put my heart and soul into making it a space, it’s a vision incubator space. So it is to give space and all of my intuition and guidance to people, enabling that next level of vision to come through. So if anyone’s called to a retreat, you can find the details at On the homepage there, there’s a link to the retreat. There’s also links there to how to work with me. 

I have a range of one-to-one programs and this retreat is part of a group program. So if you could just have the lovely experience of retreat and go home to their life and be like, “Where do I start?” So it’s part of the journey so we keep you really supported and animated. No going home and collapsing in a heap.

Nicola: Yeah. Feeling completely overwhelmed. Yeah, absolutely. Sounds delicious. I just want to say, actually, we’re talking about like tuning into our highest vision and this isn’t kind of a one-off process, is it? It’s like this continually new visions and new levels coming in, so I think-

Clare: Oh absolutely..

Nicola: So I think to take time out like this is so powerful.

Clare: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Especially those of us that are sensitive, a mentor like you to offer these hugely world-changing programs and offerings, we have to be listening and connecting. And once we’re aligned, things shift really quickly. So you may move through something that you’ve been working for, you may have reached the pinnacle much faster than you expect. And that means the next level’s ready and waiting for you.

Nicola: Yeah, yeah, exciting. Yeah. So I would highly recommend checking out Clare’s retreat and her programs because, yeah. She’s just a master at helping people to move through that place of unknowing that can feel really uncertain and to tune into what they want to bring through. Helped me so much with my work and in my life as well. So thank you, Clare. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us today.

Clare: Oh, thank you so much. 

Nicola: You’re welcome. Okay, we’ll see soon, bye.

Clare: Thank you everybody. Bye bye!

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