Why it pays to stop planning

STOP PLANNINGAre you a serial planner?

Come on, be honest, do you love to sit there with a blank page in front of you, creating your beautifully-crafted plan for world domination and writing a HUGE to-do list?

Have you got piles of old notebooks containing scribbled ideas and inspirations that have never been brought into reality?

If you’re nodding your head, then join the club.  I meet so many women who have a mind full of fantastic ideas and pages full of plans, but they aren’t moving forwards in their businesses.

Often when clients come to work with me, they’re feeling frustrated as they’ve been plotting and planning for months, or even years, but they’re not seeing the results (and the income) they desire.  They feel stuck.

I hold my hands up as a recovering serial planner too!  In the past I’ve spent endless hours listening to webinars and doing e-courses, making exciting plans and doing zilch with them.

The thing is – plans without action are meaningless.

Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t make plans.  I’m a strong believer in having a clear direction and focus.

But you need to take action.

‘You can’t plow a field simply by turning it over in your mind.’  Gordon B Hinckley

This might sound counter-intuitive coming from someone whose work is all about harnessing the power of the mind.

But there comes a point when you need to bring your plans out of your mind and into the real world.  (Hint: This point is often much sooner than you think).

The fact is that we keep ourselves stalled in planning mode because of fear.

Fear that we’re not good enough.

Fear that we can’t do it.

Fear of being visible.

Fear of what might happen if we were to actually step into our brilliance.

This fear is stopping you from becoming your brightest self and creating the income you desire and deserve.

It’s time to let it go baby!

Do you want to be sitting in the same place 6 months from now?  Or do you want to be walking your path, looking back and seeing how far you’ve come?

I invite you to start taking action now (yes, before you feel ready and before everything is perfectly in place).

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Decide on one thing you can do today that will move you closer to your desired outcome.
  2. Make yourself publicly accountable – tell a friend, share on Facebook or in the comments below, committing to your chosen action.
  3. Go do it!
  4. Give yourself a big old pat on the back – you are moving forwards and you officially rock.
  5. Rinse and repeat until action-taking becomes a powerful new habit for you.

Let’s make this month your time to gather momentum and start taking action.

I’m cheering you on!

Nicola x

Your next step. Want to discover more ways to create the abundant life you truly desire (and deserve!)? Click here to join my free 7-Day Money Mastery Kickstarter Challenge and get going right away.

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