How to write a financially successful book

I was speaking to someone about The Unbound Writing Mastermind recently and she asked a question:

‘How do you write a financially successful book? Can it be a cash positive endeavour?’

This is a great question. And maybe you’ve asked yourself the same thing too?

There’s a tendency to think of writing a book as some kind of mammoth task, like climbing a mountain. And, of course, this is something that’s going to demand your time and energy.

But rather than imagining the book-writing process as a steep and arduous climb up a mountain, where you risk arriving at the summit only to be greeted by a couple of goats and the stale leftovers of your trail mix, I chose to see the process VERY differently.

Imagine walking the mountain path and meeting friends along the way who offer you support, encouragement and abundant sustenance. 

Imagine appreciating the whole journey, feeling a sense of expansion in yourself as you activate transformation in others as you go. 

Imagine arriving at the top of the mountain to be greeted by a crowd of people, eager to hear about your journey and ongoing supplies which enable you to glamp it up for as long as you like, enjoying the view and continuing to attract more people to join you.

How does that sound?

The truth is that for most authors book sales alone are not going to create a truly juicy income. But that’s certainly not a reason to dismiss the idea of writing your book.

Oh no, unbound one. I’m a firm believer that you can start creating an income from your book long before it’s actually released into the world. In fact, it’s completely possible to start making money very early on in the writing process. (As you begin your walk up the mountain).

It’s time to turn any old ideas about what it means to write a financially successful book on their head. Here are four ways that your unbound book can start making money for you long before the publication date (and for years afterwards).

1) Super-Aligned, Soulmate Clients

You don’t have to wait until your finished book is actually in the hands of your readers before attracting clients through your writing. I encourage my unbound writing masterminders to start sharing elements of their work early on in the writing process.

This might look like creating a blog based on a chapter from your book, sharing a piece of your writing in a social media post or submitting an article to an online or offline publication.

By sharing the ideas you’re writing about, you can attract super-aligned clients to your 1:1 practice, group programs, retreats and workshops. 

When I was writing my second book, UNBOUND, I published an article based on the challenges of being an unbound woman (which later went on to form the basis for the mid-section of the book). As well as publishing my article on my own blog, I also submitted it to WITCH Magazine.

The response to this one article led to me doubling my email list and attracting two four-figure, 1:1 mentoring clients within a matter of days. All of this nearly a year before the actual book was published.

When you’re writing your book and giving yourself permission to write in your unbound voice, you access a well of inspiration and creativity that speaks deeply and directly to your soulmate clients. Don’t make them wait to hear what you have to say and work with you. Share your magic along the way.

2) Sensational Speaking Opportunities

When you’re writing your book and sharing your work as you go, you can become a magnet for speaking opportunities of all kinds.

People are continually looking for speakers for their podcasts, interview series and events (both online and in-person). When you’re actively writing a book (and letting people know about it), you have a strong hook when it comes to pitching yourself as a guest. And the more interviews and events you do, the more you’ll attract.

This is a wonderful way for you to grow your audience and for new clients to find you.

Your book can also lead to paid speaking opportunities. Being an author automatically elevates your status as an expert in your field and people will seek you out to speak to their audiences.

In the past year alone, I’ve been asked to do three paid speaking gigs by people who have read my first book, Heal Your Inner Good Girl, and wanted me to share the message with their audience. So, even though this book was released almost three years ago, it’s still providing me with the opportunity to reach new audiences of readers and clients, whilst getting paid at the same time. #winwin

If you’re looking to do more speaking as a way of growing your business, a book can give you the perfect platform.

3) Irresistible Offerings

Once you’ve started writing your book, you’ll be amazed at the deep well of inspiration you access to create new and magical offerings based on what you’re writing.

Maybe you’ll feel the call to run a retreat based on the ideas that are coming through in your book, or a program or a workshop? Gone are the days when you’re scratching around trying to think of what to offer next in your business. You’re guaranteed to a have a steady stream of ideas and, because you’re writing from the unbound place, the offerings that spring from your book will be super-compelling to your soulmate clients.

And once again, there’s no need to wait until your book is finished in order to put these offerings out into the world. In fact, when you start experimenting with these new offerings during the writing process, not only are you creating another income flow, you’ll also gain more clarity and insight into the ideas you’re writing about.

4) Compelling Confidence

This last point speaks to a shift that happens internally both during the writing process and after your book is released into the world. The very act of writing your book will transform you. You cannot not be changed by it.

Writing a book is an alchemical process. When you make a clear decision to write your book and release it into the world, you create a magical container; a cauldron within which new ideas and the next level of your evolution get to emerge.

When you unlock your unbound voice and commit to writing from the truest essence of who you are, you access deeper levels of awareness and insight. And the very energy of the words you write changes.

I’ve experienced this myself and it’s a very powerful thing. As you write, you become more certain of what you’re here to do in the world, you anchor into a new sense of confidence and everyone in your field picks up on this energetic shift.

You infuse this deep-rooted confidence into everything you do. And the possibilities that can result from this are limitless. 

So, when you’re thinking about writing your book, leave room for magic. 

Don’t get obsessed with book sales, look beyond the obvious and allow yourself to be supported along the way.

Be ready for the unexpected and open to new opportunities and invitations.

Choose to see the whole process as a glorious adventure and you will write a book that can be a source of joy (and income) for years to come.

Your next step:

Want to discover how to write the book that changes your life in THE most powerful and magical way? Get immediate access to my free Unbound Writing training here.

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