How to become an energetic match for your ideal clients

How to become an energetic match for your ideal clients.I’m sure you’ve often thought about the kind of clients you want to attract to your business – it’s key to get clear on your ideal clients.

But have you given much thought to what YOU’re like as a client?

This week I got told that I’m the perfect client by a coach that I’m working with at the moment.

And it’s not the first time.  (I don’t say this to brag.)  But I go out of my way to be an ideal client to anyone I choose to work with.


Because I know how important it is to be an energetic match for exactly the kind of clients you want to attract into your business.

My aim is to attract clients who are committed, engaged, willing to invest in themselves and ready to take action. I’m sure you feel the same?

And, to be honest, in the past there have been many times when I haven’t been that myself.

I’ve bought courses, started off enthusiastically and then tailed off quickly without implementing what I’ve learned.

I’ve invested in group coaching programmes and not turned up for the calls.

I’ve been a lurker in the paid Facebook groups that come as part of programmes I’ve invested in.

And I’ve told myself that I couldn’t afford to invest at a high level, whilst trying to attract high-level clients myself.

And of course, when I’ve done this, not only did I not get the results I wanted from the programmes I invested in, but I also found I was attracting clients who were as unengaged, unwilling to invest and as lacking in action-taking as I was.

This is NOT a happy place to be in your business, I can tell you.

So, a couple of years ago I made a decision to show up as exactly the kind of client I wanted to attract.

  • I took action and implemented what I had learned.
  • I became an active and supportive member of the Facebook communities I had access to.
  • I showed up for coaching calls, even when I didn’t feel like it. And actually, the times I wasn’t feeling like it were the calls that I tended to get most benefit from because they shifted me out of the funk I was in.
  • I invested in myself at a high level and got the specific help I needed.
  • I gave constructive feedback to the people I chose to work with and provided testimonials without prompting.

And in doing this, my business has been transformed.

Not only have I accessed the knowledge and support that I needed to move my business forwards, but I’ve also been able to attract far more of my ideal clients.

By being an ideal client, I also create fantastic connections with the coaches and experts I work with.  This has led to speaking opportunities, referrals, joint ventures and collaborations.

So, if you’re struggling to attract your ideal clients at the moment, if you are getting people who say they can’t afford to work with you or don’t engage in the process, then take some time to look at what kind of client YOU are?

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, ‘You get back what you put out’ and this is exactly what I mean by making sure you are an energetic match for the kind of clients you want to attract.

Take some now to reflect on what kind of client you are (or have been in the past) and think about ways you can become an energetic match for your ideal clients from now on.

And if you want to discover how to set prices that feel good for you and attract more of your ideal clients, then click here to download my free pricing guide now.

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