The Magical Portal Project with Leonie Dawson

This month I’m inviting 30 magical authors to share how writing a book has created transformation in their lives as part of The Magical Portal Project. And I was beyond excited to have a conversation with international best-selling author, Leonie Dawson. Leonie was one of my very first mentors when I started my online business and… Continue reading The Magical Portal Project with Leonie Dawson

Relax. You really DON’T need to use icky, fear-based marketing and sales in your unbound business

Recently I saw yet another example of someone encouraging fear-based marketing. A sales expert was recommending that the way to increase urgency with potential clients was by focusing on their pain and keeping them in that long enough during sales conversations so they’re more motivated to work with you.  I literally wanted to throw-up when… Continue reading Relax. You really DON’T need to use icky, fear-based marketing and sales in your unbound business

Is it worth writing a book even when you have a tiny (or no) audience?

One of the most common questions I hear from women who are feeling the call to write a book is, ‘Should I wait until I have a bigger audience?’ Many of the would-be authors I speak to have dismissed the idea of writing a book, because they don’t believe they have enough people who will… Continue reading Is it worth writing a book even when you have a tiny (or no) audience?

Categorised as writing

Interview with Vision-Matchmaker, Clare Roche

Recently I had the opportunity to record a conversation with my dear friend and mentor, Clare Roche (check out this photo of us at my pre-book-launch celebration earlier this year).  Clare helps leaders of world-changing and paradigm-shifting businesses to tune into the highest vision for their lives and guides them to create that in the most aligned and… Continue reading Interview with Vision-Matchmaker, Clare Roche