When I first started my business 6 years ago, I was under the mistaken impression that being self-employed meant I had to do it all by myself. And even though I was pretty quick to get help with things like my website, when it came to sharing the challenges I was experiencing in my business,… Continue reading The 7 things you need to consider before joining a mastermind
Author: Nicola Humber
5 steps to consistently making $5k per month in your business
There’s a LOT of talk out there in the online world about six-figure businesses and five-figure months. But when I first speak to my money mastery clients and ask them what their income goal is, for many of them the answer is $5k a month. Sometimes they’re just starting out in their businesses, but for many they’ve been in… Continue reading 5 steps to consistently making $5k per month in your business
The 3 things that helped me have the best month ever in my business in just 18 days
In June I had the best ever financial month in my business. I increased my income by over 40% on my previous best month. And I did this in just 18 days, as I was heading off on a 10-day silent meditation retreat in the third week of June. I don’t share this to boast.… Continue reading The 3 things that helped me have the best month ever in my business in just 18 days
Life & business learnings from a 10-day silent retreat
A couple of days ago I returned from a 10-day silent meditation retreat. I’m still processing the impact it’s had on me (and I’m sure it won’t become fully clear for some time), but I know many people were curious about what a retreat like this would be like, so I wanted to share some… Continue reading Life & business learnings from a 10-day silent retreat
Here’s the no.1 question you need to ask if you’re not creating a consistent income in your business right now
Are you creating the income you TRULY want in your business right now? Or does it sometimes feel like you’re on a rollercoaster when it comes to money (with more lows than highs?). I get it. I’ve been stuck in that cycle of feast and famine in the past and it’s NOT a happy place… Continue reading Here’s the no.1 question you need to ask if you’re not creating a consistent income in your business right now
A tapping routine to help you create a consistent income
What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to making money in your business? Recently I did a survey in my online community asking this very question and 31% of the women who answered said that their biggest money challenge was creating a consistent income. So, if you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster with your… Continue reading A tapping routine to help you create a consistent income
3 steps to move out of desperation and into abundance
I’m sure we’ve all been there. It’s coming up to the end of the month. You’ve got bills to pay and commitments to meet, but your income is WAY below what you had hoped it would be. At times like this, you can feel the desperation creeping in. You start to feel panicky and anxious… Continue reading 3 steps to move out of desperation and into abundance
How to feel better when you believe that good things can’t last
I’ve been speaking to a lot of clients recently who have an underlying belief that ‘Good things don’t last’. Whenever things are going well in their lives or businesses, rather than enjoying the good times, they have this niggling fear that it’s all going to slip away at any moment. I wonder if you can… Continue reading How to feel better when you believe that good things can’t last
How to become an energetic match for your ideal clients
I’m sure you’ve often thought about the kind of clients you want to attract to your business – it’s key to get clear on your ideal clients. But have you given much thought to what YOU’re like as a client? This week I got told that I’m the perfect client by a coach that I’m… Continue reading How to become an energetic match for your ideal clients
5 Ways to Create Successful Affirmations
As a Money Coach, I use affirmations a lot and recommend this potent prosperity practice to my Money Mastery clients. BUT affirmations can sometimes get a bad rep. Maybe you’ve tried to use them in the past, but they just haven’t seemed to make any difference to your financial situation? Maybe you struggle with knowing… Continue reading 5 Ways to Create Successful Affirmations