Recently I’ve been up-leveling in my relationship and business and manifesting some juicy desires. But the process hasn’t been as straightforward as much of the content out there around the Law of Attraction suggests. So, in this video I’m sharing the (sometimes uncomfortable!) truth about what it REALLY takes to manifest your desires. I’m talking… Continue reading What it REALLY takes to manifest your desires
Author: Nicola Humber
How to write a financially successful book
I was speaking to someone about The Unbound Writing Mastermind recently and she asked a question: ‘How do you write a financially successful book? Can it be a cash positive endeavour?’ This is a great question. And maybe you’ve asked yourself the same thing too? There’s a tendency to think of writing a book as some kind… Continue reading How to write a financially successful book
Nine not-so-obvious steps to writing your transformational book
As an author and founder of a publishing imprint, people ask me for advice about the writing process all the time. And the funny thing is that even though I’ve written two transformational books, run The Unbound Press and the Unbound Writing Mastermind, I don’t consider myself an expert. Book-writing is a continual process of learning for… Continue reading Nine not-so-obvious steps to writing your transformational book
A Tapping Routine to Help You Move Through Self-Sabotage
The world needs more unbound women to be moving forwards in the most potent way right now, but sometimes this can be challenging. As you start to live a more fully expressed life and step into your brilliance, self-sabotage can rear its head. So, I’ve created this simple tapping routine, using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)… Continue reading A Tapping Routine to Help You Move Through Self-Sabotage
Live Your Gift Interview with Deborah Taylor
Living in, and from, your gift is one of the five principles of living unbound. But many unbound women can find this challenging. You may have made the bold and beautiful decision to start your own business (go you!), but do you feel like you’re TRULY living your gift (and being abundantly well paid for… Continue reading Live Your Gift Interview with Deborah Taylor
Live Your Gift Interview with Robin Rice
Living in your gift is one of the five principles of living unbound and it’s something that many unbound women can find challenging. As the multifaceted beings we are, it can feel difficult to refine our gifts into something that feels compellingly share-able to the world. In addition to this, we’ve often been told that there are certain… Continue reading Live Your Gift Interview with Robin Rice
Live Your Gift: Interview with Leah Kent
Living in, and from, your gift is one the five principles of living unbound. In this inteview with the luminous Leah Kent we talk abour how to move more deeply into your gift and Leah shares: How harnessing the power of her cyclical nature has helped her to move more deeply into her gifts. How letting the… Continue reading Live Your Gift: Interview with Leah Kent
Live Your Gift: Interview with Angie Welton
Living in and from your gift is one of the five principles of living unbound. But so often it can be a challenge to fully express your gift in the world. In this interview with Angie Welton of The Witches’ Bazaar, we talk more about how to live fully in your gift (and get well paid… Continue reading Live Your Gift: Interview with Angie Welton
The artist who made it impossible to buy from him. Are you doing the same?
On Friday night Mr H and I were at a local art centre for their First Friday event. This is a night where artists open their studios to show their work and meet potential clients. We were looking for some artwork for our new(ish) home and after visiting over 20 different studios, nothing was really… Continue reading The artist who made it impossible to buy from him. Are you doing the same?
The 3 toxic myths that stop you from connecting with other UNBOUND women
Sisterhood is one of the key principles of living UNBOUND. As UNBOUND women we can often feel different, weird and isolated. The people around us are likely to not quite get us. So we need to find a circle of sisters who are on the same path. But you may find that you resist coming… Continue reading The 3 toxic myths that stop you from connecting with other UNBOUND women