I spent last weekend at a music festival in my hometown of Southampton and one of the headline acts, Grace Jones, completely blew me away with her performance and totally umcomprimising attitude. She is a complete star in every sense of the word and the personification of a ‘diva’. Seeing her perform got me thinking… Continue reading Why I’m channelling my inner DIVA (and maybe you should too?)
Author: Nicola Humber
Should I invest in my business?
I hear this question a LOT. ‘Should I be investing in my business?’ ‘What do I need to invest in?’ ‘Is this the right person/programme for me to invest in right now?’ And behind this can be other, more fearful questions – ‘What if I get ripped off? What if I don’t see a return… Continue reading Should I invest in my business?
Top 10 Abundance Hacks
Over the past two years, I’ve created some huge shifts in my business which have allowed me to double my income. Most of this has come from doing consistent inner work on my mindset and emotions around money. The fact is, when you do the inner work, you see results. But I know that often… Continue reading Top 10 Abundance Hacks
Code Red. An interview with Lisa Lister
I’m all about creating wealth in a way that feels truly sustainable – a way that fits for me as a woman and isn’t all about ‘push, push, pushing’. One of my go-to women for inspiration in this area is author and defender of female awesome-ness, Lisa Lister. I’ve been wanting to interview Lisa for… Continue reading Code Red. An interview with Lisa Lister
Are you living the life of Riley?
I don’t know about you, but when I decided to leave my corporate career and start my own business, my main desire was to have more freedom and flexibility in my life. I was tired of working 9-5, Monday to Friday for 48 weeks of the year and I couldn’t imagine doing this for the… Continue reading Are you living the life of Riley?
The Money Mastery Manifesto
In the spirit of election season which is getting into full swing here in the UK, I’ve decided to publish my very own Money Mastery Manifesto – a declaration of the aims and intentions of the Money Mastery Movement! (Guaranteed to be much more inspiring and exciting than the manifestos of the main political parties.)… Continue reading The Money Mastery Manifesto
How do you consistently make £2k a month in your business?
When I first speak to my money mindset clients and ask them what their income goal is, many of them answer £2000 a month. It might be that they’re just starting out in their businesses, or maybe they’ve been in business a while but not yet been able to generate a consistent monthly income, so… Continue reading How do you consistently make £2k a month in your business?
The Clarity Myth
A big part of my work as a Holistic Money Coach is to call time on the unhelpful stories I hear my clients telling themselves. By ‘story’, I mean those limiting beliefs that run through your mind like an old, well-rehearsed script. Often they’re so familiar, they go un-noticed. The other day I heard one… Continue reading The Clarity Myth
A tapping routine to move beyond your comfort zone
We all know this right? Everything you dream of lies beyond your comfort zone. When you challenge yourself to move out of that place which feels safe and super-comfortable, magic happens. And I’m hearing from a lot of women in my community right now who are doing just that – stepping up and out of… Continue reading A tapping routine to move beyond your comfort zone
Why it pays to stop planning
Are you a serial planner? Come on, be honest, do you love to sit there with a blank page in front of you, creating your beautifully-crafted plan for world domination and writing a HUGE to-do list? Have you got piles of old notebooks containing scribbled ideas and inspirations that have never been brought into reality?… Continue reading Why it pays to stop planning