How to grow your business (and income) when it feels like you’re NOT motivated by money

6-ways-to-grow-your-business-and-your-income-when-youre-not-motivated-by-moneyHow do you find the desire to grow your business when it feels like you’re NOT motivated by money?

This might seem like a strange question! Why wouldn’t you be motivated to make more money? That’s what you’re in business for, right?

Well if you’re anything like me or the money mastery clients I work with, then money is only ONE of the reasons you’re in business amongst other juicy stuff like being able to express your creativity, being of service, having freedom and flexibility, getting your message out to the world.

And sometimes it feels like money is at the bottom of the pile. Maybe you’re making enough (even if it’s JUST enough), you manage to pay your bills each month and perhaps you’ve even got some savings left. So the desire to take action and make more money isn’t that strong.

You tick along.

But there’s something within you that KNOWS you could be, do and have so much more.

There’s something within you that KNOWS you have important work to share with the world.

There’s something within you that KNOWS you’ve been holding back up until now.

And it’s frustrating. Because you can’t seem to get out of the starting gates.

You feel energised for a few days or even weeks and then you find yourself procrastinating and feeling stuck.

You have a good month financially and think you’ve cracked it and then the next month it’s crickets again.

It’s not about motivation to make money. (It’s never just about the money). It’s about motivation in general.

So, here’s how you tap into that motivation when you’re a soul-led, heart-centred woman in business.

1. When you think about the money you want to make, focus on the way it will FEEL to have that money, as well as the specific amount. 

Think about the experiences you will have, how you’ll feel freer and be able to be generous with yourself and others. For most of my money mastery clients, it’s never about the ‘stuff’ they can buy, but the experience and feeling of abundance. When you tune into the feeling you’re wanting to create, you’ll naturally feel more motivated.

2. Think about the IMPACT you’ll be having when you’re allowing yourself to receive more money.

I know your work is important to you – it’s not just something you do just for the money (that’s a given) – and the more you make, the more of a difference you’ll be making. Isn’t that motivating?

3. Check in with your beliefs around money.

Are you resisting making money because you secretly believe it’s wrong to want more?

Did you pick up the message that money was bad in some way when you were growing up and have you carried this belief into your business?

Maybe you think it’s unspiritual to focus on money and you feel kinda icky when you come to charging a good price for your services?

It’s time to challenge these old, limiting money beliefs! Actively look for people who are making a BIG difference with the money they’re making and think back to point two – the more money you make, the more of service you’re being. It’s a win-win.

My free 7-day Money Mastery Kickstarter Challenge has been designed to help you transform your relationship with money once and for all. Click here to get started right away.

4. Break any big money goals down into manageable chunks.

If you’re thinking about having a six-figure year and you’ve never made this much before, it could feel out of reach.  When a goal feels unreachable, it can be tricky to get motivated and take action. SO chunk your big money goal down.

For example, to make 100,000, you need to make 8,333 per month, just over 2,000 per week or 400 per day (assuming you work 48 weeks per year and 5 days per week). Which of these figures feels most motivating to you? For me, monthly amounts feel good, but perhaps a daily figure feels best for you?

5. Maybe you’re thinking too small?

It’s possible that the income goal you’ve chosen isn’t juicy enough to motivate you. For me personally, when I was thinking about making £5k per month, I couldn’t get excited about it, so I would be a bit half-hearted in my action-taking. When I started to focus on making £10k per month (and beyond), I tapped into more motivation and my business has moved to a new level. I might not always reach my monthly goal, but I make FAR more money and attract more opportunities than I was doing before.

Experiment with some different income goals and see which one truly excites you.

6. Have fun with it!

Don’t get too hung up on the numbers, try and see it as a bit of a game. As I mentioned in point five, experiment with different income goals and ways of reaching them. Reward yourself for every step along the way. By doing this and adopting a playful attitude, you can’t go wrong because you’ll enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

So, that’s six special ways to move out of procrastination & stuck-ness and tap into a new source of motivation in your business. If you’re ready to breakthrough to a brand new level of  income, click here to download my free 21-day action plan to do just that?

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