The 7 success secrets I learned from running (yes, running!)

The 7 success secrets I learned from runningAs I write this I’ve spent most of the day sitting down, either in front of the laptop or with clients.
Later this evening I’ll be hosting the third group call of my Money Mastery Summer Camp (again sitting down).

About an hour ago, my body started crying out to move.  Not gentle movement, but something energetic and heart-pounding, so I took myself for a run (see my post-run selfie above!)

I’m a huge advocate of listening to your body’s needs.  And as I was running I got inspired to write this blog post, so I got to work out AND get creative.  That’s what happens when you listen to your beautiful body!

Anyhow, I digress.  Whatever you’re aiming for – more money, more clients, or more love in your life, here are the 7 Success Secrets I have learned from running.

1) Get Support

I’m not talking about a sports bra here (although, of course, that’s essential!)  I know that if I go for a run on my own, I’ll stretch myself to a point, but then I might just ease up a little (yes, that could be me slowing to a walk!)

When I go for a run with Mr H or a friend, I blooming well keep going.  Stopping is not an option when you have support (particularly from Mr H – he’s a harsh taskmaster!)

Don’t go it alone.  Gather a team of supporters around you.

2) Get regular

When I run only occasionally, it feels like really hard work.  I struggle for breath and my legs ache.

When I’m running regularly (for me that’s two or three times a week), I can feel my fitness levels improving.  I notice how I’m making progress and I feel more motivated.

The same goes for success in business, money-making, relationships – put the work in and make it a regular practice.

3) Take a break

Which brings me on to my next point.    Yes, you need to work to achieve success, but you also need to rest.  If I tried to run every day (never actually happened, but I can imagine!), I would burn out and collapse in a heap somewhere.

Take a break.  Rest.  Do something completely different for a while.  Then come back fresh.

4) Mix it up

If you look at any kind of running training program, it will encourage you to do long, steady runs, alongside interval runs, where you intersperse a steady pace with shorter, faster runs.

The same goes for success.  If you just plod along steadily doing the same thing all the time, you will get bored (and so will those around you).  Do something different.  Stretch yourself.  Mix it up.

5) Inner game

When I first started running (many years ago) I used to tell myself, I couldn’t run.  I would say, ‘Running is really hard, I’m just not built for it’.

This was so not true, but as I told myself that I couldn’t do it, I proved myself right every time I tried (I struggled to get to the end of the road!)

When I switched my thinking and started telling myself, ‘Of course I can do this!’, I noticed that running became much easier.

The inner game, your thoughts and beliefs, make a HUGE difference.  Start telling yourself, ‘Hell yeah, I can do this!’ and you will.

6) Be inspired

Have you ever watched the London marathon (or any other race) on TV and felt like you wanted to do the same?

Yep, me too.  When we see others achieving what we want, it motivates us to keep going, to put the work in and tells us that it is possible.

Search out others who are doing what you want to do.  Read about them.  Watch them (not in a stalky way!)  Connect with them.  Allow yourself to be inspired.

7) Commit to a clear goal

The times when I’ve really got serious about my running and seen great results are when I’ve had a goal to work towards.  If I know I have a race coming up, I put the training in.

If I don’t have a clear goal, I’m a bit more half-hearted about it.

What’s your goal?  Commit to it now.  Share it with someone else.   Then get going.

So, that’s my 7 success secrets – which one resonates with you most?  Which one are you going to take action on right now?

Decide and go do it!