3 steps to move out of desperation and into abundance

3 steps to move from desperation to abundanceI’m sure we’ve all been there.  It’s coming up to the end of the month.  You’ve got bills to pay and commitments to meet, but your income is WAY below what you had hoped it would be.

At times like this, you can feel the desperation creeping in.  You start to feel panicky and anxious about your financial situation.

And, as I’m sure you know, if you’re feeling desperate it can be challenging to attract clients and new sources of income.  It can also be difficult to take the action you need to take when you’re stuck in a place of fear and anxiety.

I dislike the word ‘Desperate’, but sometimes it’s the best description of how you’re feeling.  And the first step to creating change is always to acknowledge where you are right now.

So, if you’re feeling stuck in desperation at the moment, take a deep breath and follow these three steps to move into a new place of possibility.

1) Tap yourself into a more resourceful state

As you’ll know if you’re a regular reader of my blog (and if you’re not, hey! It’s great to have you here), Emotional Freedom Technique (aka EFT or tapping) is my go-to tool for creating a shift and releasing limiting emotions.

Just a few rounds of tapping will help you to feel calmer and more resourceful.

And because I’m such a helpful gal, I’ve created a short tapping routine to help you move out of desperation right away.  Just click below and tap along.

 Don’t be tempted to skip this step.  EFT will help to reduce the stress hormones that are buzzing around your body right now and then you’ll find it MUCH easier to move onto the next two steps.  I promise.

How are you feeling now?  Better?

Good. Let’s move on to Step 2.

2) Gratitude and Appreciation

I know you’ve heard this before, but gratitude really is SUCH a powerful way to shift your energy.

Now that you’ve begun to tap away any feelings of desperation, panic or anxiety, I want you to make a list of at least ten things you’re grateful for right now.  If they’re related to your business and money, great! But these ten things can be anything at all – from the sun that’s shining outside, to your beautiful home or one of your loved ones.

Notice how you feel as you choose to acknowledge what you are grateful for.  You can’t help but feel better, eh?

Once you’ve made your list of ten things, I want you to spend at least five minutes writing about how far you’ve come in your business.   Reflect on what you’ve created already – any income you’ve received, clients you’ve worked with, products or services you offer.

Even if you’re a brand new entrepreneur, acknowledge the courageous leap you’ve made in starting your own business.  Go you!

Choose to appreciate how far you’ve come.

Once you’ve tuned into an energy of gratitude and appreciation, you will have raised your vibration and can move onto Step 3…

3) Take inspired action

You will now be feeling FAR more resourceful (and if you haven’t noticed a significant shift in your energy, go back and do the tapping routine one more time).

Any feelings of anxiety and desperation will be melting away and it’s time to move into momentum.

From this new place of possibility, take some time and write down at least three actions you can take to create income right away.

  • Follow up with potential client enquiries.
  • Contact previous clients to see how they’re doing and whether they need more help.
  • Hold a flash sale.
  • Have a clear-out and sell anything you don’t need or want any more.
  • Offer a one-off Pick My Brains/Strategy/Kickstarter Session to your list or on social media.

Once you have your ideas, go to it!  Start stirring the Universal energy by taking action.  It will be much easier now that you’ve shifted yourself into a more resourceful, expansive state.

If at any time you start to feel desperation creeping in again, go back and work through the first two steps.  This is a process you can come back to, time and time again if you need to.

Notice how you feel to be in momentum and be ready for the money to start flowing to you. Kapow!

I’d love you to comment below and let me know what shifts you noticed during those three steps.

And if you want to create EVEN more abundance in your life, click here to join my free 7-Day Money Mastery Kickstarter Challenge and get going right away.

Here’s to creating the income (and impact) you TRULY desire!

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