How do you consistently make £2k a month in your business?

When I first speak to my money mindset clients and ask them what their income goal is, many of them answer £2000 a month. It might be that they’re just starting out in their businesses, or maybe they’ve been in business a while but not yet been able to generate a consistent monthly income, so… Continue reading How do you consistently make £2k a month in your business?

A tapping routine to move beyond your comfort zone

We all know this right? Everything you dream of lies beyond your comfort zone. When you challenge yourself to move out of that place which feels safe and super-comfortable, magic happens. And I’m hearing from a lot of women in my community right now who are doing just that – stepping up and out of… Continue reading A tapping routine to move beyond your comfort zone

A tapping routine to release limiting money beliefs

Do you ever find yourself really wanting to achieve something, but that pesky, doubting voice in the back of your mind keeps saying you can’t do it? Maybe you set yourself a juicy financial goal and then the nagging doubts set in, so you feel disheartened and lose belief that you can reach it? When… Continue reading A tapping routine to release limiting money beliefs

Are you lacking in ‘receive-ability’?

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about receive-ability (i.e. being open to receive). It’s one of the things that comes up time and time again with my clients. When we’re open to receive, money and good stuff can flow to us easily and in abundance.  When we constrict and close ourselves off, the flow of… Continue reading Are you lacking in ‘receive-ability’?

Learning from a sore throat (and how I am making a declaration of intent).

As I write this my first ever money mastery live event is taking place in 4 days….and I have a sore throat, hacking cough and seriously croaky voice. It’s interesting because my throat does seem to be a weak spot in my body.  If I get a cold, it generally results in a cough that… Continue reading Learning from a sore throat (and how I am making a declaration of intent).

50 Ways to Raise Your Frequency and Keep Your Vibe High

1. Smile (at yourself, at others, at life) 2. Take 3 deep belly breaths and know that all is well 3. Go for a walk – move your body, shift your mood 4. Dance (bonus points for grabbing someone else to dance with) 5.  Tap (use Emotional Freedom Technique to release any limiting emotions) 6.… Continue reading 50 Ways to Raise Your Frequency and Keep Your Vibe High

Why it pays to look backwards

Generally in life we’re encouraged to look forwards. Plan for the future. Set goals. Visualise how you want to be. All of this helps to give us direction and stay focused (and I’m all for that). BUT when we’re constantly looking to the future, we can lose sight of everything we’ve achieved so far. Our… Continue reading Why it pays to look backwards