I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can find it challenging (to say the least!) deciding what to focus on throughout my working day.
Unless I have client calls the rest of the time can merge into one and the options for me feel limitless (which, of course, is a blessing, but can also feel overwhelming).
Should I spend some time on my book, write a social media post, do some planning for my upcoming retreat, knuckle down to some admin or start a new project?
Deciding what to do can take up as much time and energy as actually doing it!
The fact is that we’re multi-faceted, creative beings and we tend to have COUNTLESS ideas at any one time. (Go us!) So how do you decide what to actually focus on, so that you can reach your people and make a powerful impact?
Well, I’ve come up with a simple system that’s working for me and I thought you might like it too. It focuses on three areas: Community, Connection and Creation.
Here’s how it works:
Each day, I commit to spending a proportion of time on each of these areas. It might be an hour, 30 minutes or even five minutes if my day is particularly full. Each area has a specific focus and intention.
Community ALWAYS comes first. This is about serving my existing community and involves things like replying to emails, answering questions and responding to comments in the Unbound Writing Mastermind and GLOW, engaging with & sharing content from The Unbound Press authors and writing my weekly Sunday note to my email list.
If I do nothing else during the day, my priority is to serve my existing people.
My second priority each day is to Connect. This means taking some time to connect with new people or those I haven’t been in touch with for a while.
I know that my business thrives on connection. Virtually everyone I work with as a client or co-create with started off with a 1:1 connection, either online or in-person. I also know that I start to feel flat and uninspired if I’m not connecting with others. So making time for this is vital for me and my work.
My connection time might look like having a virtual (or actual) coffee date with someone, engaging with other unbound beings online, going to an event or sending a message to someone I want to get to know better.
The intention here is always to let go of any specific agenda or expectation, enjoy the connection and see where it wants to take you.
Want to connect and have a virtual coffee date? Yay! You can schedule a time right here.
My third priority each day is to spend some time Creating. Again this is something that I thrive on, both personally and business-wise. I need to do something with all those ideas and carving out dedicated creation time allows me to do this and then share it with my community.
This time might look like writing my book, doing an Instagram story, creating a social media post, writing a blog or creating a new resource for the Unbound Member’s Area.
Sometimes I’ll have a plan of what I want to create. Other times, I’ll just see what wants to come through that day.
Once I’ve created something, I’ll choose to share it in whatever way feels best.
So: Community, Connection, Creation. Three specific ways to use your time and focus your energy.
If this feels good for you, why not give it a go over the next week? Experiment with the three C’s and comment below to let me know how it goes.
Want more resources to help you live your gift and be abundantly supported by that? Click here to access the dedicated Unbound Member’s Area.