How to create a consistent and dedicated writing practice that doesn’t have you chained to your desk and still allows you to feel free
So, you’ve felt the call to write a book. Perhaps you’ve even started the process. And you manage to find the time to write for a couple of days, or a couple of weeks even, but then….
Something more compelling comes along and distracts you from your writing (shiny object alert!)
You miss a day of your writing practice, life gets in the way and you tell yourself you’ll get back to it tomorrow. But when tomorrow comes, your book gets pushed to the bottom of your to-do list again.
You feel overwhelmed with everything else you have to do. So how on earth can you think about writing a book?
Procrastination sets in. The doubts start to raise their nagging heads (‘Who am I to do this anyway?’) And you decide to come back to your book later.
You’ll get there. You’ll start again. Just not this week.
But a week turns into a month, which turns into a season, which can easily turn into a year or more.
Do you really want to wait another year to fulfil on this promise to yourself, unbound one? The call to write a book is no accident. There’s something important that wants to be birthed through you.
Now if you could just find the butt-time to get it done!
Here’s what I know:
You have unique and powerful magic to share with the world (and if you don’t fully believe that, let me believe it for you for now, okay?)
You’ve wanted to write a book for EVER and others tell you you should, but….
….one of your key values is freedom and the idea of sitting chained to a desk for hours on end fills you with dread.
Plus you’ve got a million different ideas that take up space in your head and you just can’t seem to find a way through them.
It’s okay. I get it.
This was me when I first started my book-writing journey. All the advice I could see out there about writing was of the ‘Get up at 5am, write for six hours every day and push through’ variety. Ugh! That’s just not me. I feel restricted if I have to sit at my desk too long. I want to write AND have a life!
But I was also committed to writing my book, so what to do?
I had to create a writing practice that worked for me, one that honoured both my feminine, go-with-the-flow desires and my masculine, want-to-get-it-done energies.
And that’s exactly what I did - taking the best from the feminine and masculine to create a super-charged writing practice that got my book(s) completed without me having to sacrifice my desire to be unbound.
Sound exactly like what you need?
Over the past four years of working with many different women to help them complete their books, I’ve learned there are some key ingredients that go into making an unstoppable writing practice. And in this Time to Write Masterclass, I’m going to guide you through a simple, step-by-step process designed to help you create that for yourself.
Now, I know you’re busy and I don’t want this training feel like another heavy thing on your to-do list. That would totally defeat the object!
Instead each step will be delivered in a small, bitesized morsel, so you don’t end up feeling even more overwhelmed. You'll also receive access to the recording of the live Time to Write Masterclass where I dive more deeply into each layer of the process.
Here’s what we’re covering during Time to Write:
Here’s how it works:
You’ll receive immediate access to all of the Time to Write resources when you sign-up.
You'll also be invited to join my client-only Facebook group - The Unbound Writer's Club - where you can ask questions and connect with other magical writers.
And your investment? Just £88 or $111
Here's what other writers say about working with me:
My writing has flowed more than ever... I’ve been in the writing zone!
Tara Jackson - Author of EMBODIED
Knowing I had permission to write as an Unbound Woman liberated me to write my book my way, and that feels amazing.
Anna Sansom - Author of Desire Lines
The guidance, experience and wisdom Nicola offers is exceptional, it's her skills and passion that enabled and empowered me to live and breathe my book in a way I was previously unaware I could do.
Angie Northwood - Author of Take Off Your Armour
Ready to commit to your book and create your own unstoppable writing practice?