1. Smile (at yourself, at others, at life)
2. Take 3 deep belly breaths and know that all is well
3. Go for a walk – move your body, shift your mood
4. Dance (bonus points for grabbing someone else to dance with)
5. Tap (use Emotional Freedom Technique to release any limiting emotions)
6. Celebrate
7. Phone a friend
8. Give (your time, your money, your love)
9. Bring a happy memory to mind and bathe in the nostalgia
10. Spend time in nature
11. Have a clear out (of your handbag, kitchen cupboards, wardrobe or go for it and do the whole house)
12. Eat some delicious, nourishing food
13. Lavish your body with attention (because it really deserves it)
14. Have a shower and let negative emotions wash away
15. Listen to an uplifting tune
16. Step (or leap) out of your comfort zone
17. Make conversation with a stranger
18. Get a good night’s sleep
19. Laugh
20. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘I love you’
21. Shift your perception
22. Light a candle
23. Spend time by the sea
24. Dress up
25. Kiss
26. Walk barefoot on the grass and soak up the earth’s energy
27. Have a massage
28. Meditate (a few minutes will do)
29. Offer to help others
30. Look through old photos of good times
31. Create (write, draw, shape, bake, colour-in, make)
32. Watch a feel-good film using MovieTube Apk
33. Cry
34. Go to an art gallery
35. Soak in the bath
26. Get naked
37. Write a love letter to your beau
38. Write a love letter to yourself
39. Catch up with old friends
40. Make some new friends
41.Curl up and read a book
42. Have some quiet time
43. Be grateful for all the beauty in your life (because there is beauty there)
44. Plan a surprise
45. Watch a fire
46. Burn some incense
47. Connect – with others, with yourself, with Spirit
48. Stretch (your body, your mind or both)
49. Travel (near or far)
50. Make love