Top 10 Abundance Hacks

Top 10 Abundance HacksOver the past two years, I’ve created some huge shifts in my business which have allowed me to double my income. Most of this has come from doing consistent inner work on my mindset and emotions around money.

The fact is, when you do the inner work, you see results. But I know that often we resist looking inwards, as it can feel like it’s going to be too hard or take too long.

I get that and believe me, if I felt I had to sit there all day journalling, meditating and making positive affirmations to get the results I want in my business, I’d go and get myself a 9-5.

That’s why I prefer to use a range of super-simple techniques that you can do in just a few minutes. I might use all of these techniques in one day and cumulatively they help to create huge shifts, without taking hours and hours.

Let me introduce you to my top 10 abundance hacks.

1) Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

I know you’ve heard this before (and you’ve heard it because it’s true!), developing an attitude of gratitude is a quick-fire way of shifting from a mindset of scarcity and lack to beautiful abundance.

Make gratitude a daily practice and you’ll notice the results immediately. Here are some of the ways I build gratitude into my life:

  • saying ‘thank you Universe!’ (either out loud or silently in my mind) every time money flows to me,
  • taking myself out for a walk of appreciation. This means going for a walk with the express intention of building a sense of gratitude.  To do this, notice everything around you that makes you feel good and say ‘thank you’ (either out loud or internally),
  • running through everything I feel grateful for about my day as I drift off to sleep each night.

You won’t receive more until you appreciate what you already have. Allow your sense of gratitude to grow and more and more abundance will flow your way.

2) Change your story

YOU get to write the script of your life, so choose a good one.

Tune into your internal dialogue and notice the kind of things you’re saying to yourself. If you find yourself making statements like, ‘This will never work for me’ or ‘I can’t do it’ or ‘I’m just not meant to be rich’, then that’s exactly what you’ll create in your life.

Whatever happens, choose to tell yourself an empowering story.

For example, if I get a client cancellation, rather than telling myself, ‘Oh no, they didn’t want to work with me and now my income will be down this month’, I choose a different story: ‘Oh yes!  This is making space for an even more ideal client to work with me’.

I can’t tell you the difference this switch has made. Always choose to write the most empowering, abundant script possible for yourself.

Don’t worry if a negative story creeps in first. As soon as you notice it, reframe your story in a positive way. Very soon you’ll find that the script of abundance is running quite naturally for you.

3) Harness the power of your imagination

Use your imagination to consistently create images of what you desire in your life.

Whenever you have a free moment, picture yourself living the life you dream of. Notice everything about that image – the colours, the shapes, the textures, where you are, who’s with you, what you’re doing, what you’re wearing, the look in your eyes. Make the image as vivid as you possibly can.

If this feels fake, realise that you’re constantly creating images of your past, present and future in your mind anyway. It’s just that most of the time you aren’t paying active attention to the images you’re creating.

When you choose to engage in the visualisation process actively, you can create the images you desire.

For example, when you launch a new product or service, visualise emails coming into your inbox letting you know that clients have purchased it.

Imagine a client contacting you to tell you how awesome it was to work with you.

Visualise your bank account with the amount you desire in it.

Have fun with this process and maybe you’ll be surprised at how often your images end up becoming a reality.

4) Tap into it

However much you work on an abundance mindset, there are going to be times when life isn’t flowing the way you want it to and you’re not feeling your best. And that’s okay. You simply need a way to shift this and get back in the abundance zone.

EFT is my go-to tool for clearing any crap that’s coming up. If you’ve never used it before, you can find out more on my Youtube channel.

Tapping is pretty much a daily practice for me and I teach it to all of my clients. You might not notice the shift immediately, but I’ve lost count of the number of times someone has told me that they’ve received unexpected money or a new client enquiry after doing a couple of rounds of tapping.

Have a go and tap into your abundance.

5) Change your state

Another way to shift any negativity that’s coming up for you is to change your state. Rather than sitting in front of your laptop and dwelling on something that’s not gone the way you wanted it to, get up and move!

Get outside, go for a walk, go to the gym, put on some music and dance, stretch, do some yoga – just do something that moves your body.

When you’re sitting at your desk, your energy can become stagnant and worries, doubts and anxieties can feel exaggerated.

As soon as you get up and move your body, your energy starts to flow and you’ll begin to see things differently.

P.S. When I make time to do some form of exercise every day, my income goes through the roof.

6) Ask for support

You don’t have to do it all on your own! Believe me. When you allow yourself to receive support, you’ll feel like a weight has been lifted from you.

This might be directly related to your business – getting help with your website, design work or social media, or hiring a coach – or it could be something that makes your personal life easier –employing a cleaner, allowing your partner to cook dinner or getting your car valeted.

As soon as you get support, your subconscious mind will kick in and breathe a sigh of relief because your business will instantly feel more sustainable. This frees up your subconscious to find new ways for abundance to flow to you (and it’s SO good at doing that when you allow it to).

7) Build your receiving muscle

In order to receive more, you need to be OPEN.

This doesn’t just apply to money (although you always need to make sure that it’s clear to prospective clients how they can work with and pay you). Remember the way you do one thing is the way you do everything, so practice being open to receive in every way you can think of.

Accept compliments, offers of help, feedback, love, social invitations, smiles, eye contact.

Notice how much more good stuff flows to your when you’re open to receive it.

I wrote a whole blog post about developing your receive-ability and you can click here to read it.

8) Declutter

You can declutter your mind of limiting beliefs and unhelpful thought patterns by using EFT or journalling and it’s just as important to declutter your physical space.

When you have excess stuff cluttering up your home and your office, it takes away your energy and your sense of clarity. You can end up feeling weighed down and unconsciously stressed.

Either devote 15 minutes a day to clearing one area of your house at a time, or put aside a weekend and go for it.

Make space for the new to flow in.

I had a massive declutter at the beginning of this year and as well as making extra cash by selling some of my possessions, I’ve since had the best two months ever in my business.

9) Ask yourself expansive questions

Don’t close yourself down with limiting statements like, ‘I could never to that’ or ‘It’s just too difficult.’ Open yourself up with expansive questions.

Ask yourself, ‘I wonder how many ways I could create £xxxx of income in my business next week/month/year?’

‘I wonder who could help me with that?’

‘I wonder what it would be like to be living my most abundant, juicy, dreamy life?’

‘What action would I take if I knew I couldn’t fail?’

Notice how you feel when you ask yourself those kind of questions. On a conscious level, they feel good, but it goes deeper than that. When you ask yourself these gorgeous, expansive questions, your subconscious mind can’t help but go on a search to find the answers.

If you make it a practice to ask yourself expansive questions, you’ll begin to notice opportunities coming your way.

10) Get clear on where you are right now

When you’re creating more abundance in your life, it’s SO helpful to know where you’re starting from. If you’re not clear on where you are right now, how can you notice any improvement in your fortunes?

Commit to getting clear on your financial situation. Note down the current amount in your bank account, any savings/investments you have, track your income and also get clear on any debt you currently have.

There is no judgement here! It’s just about knowing your starting point.

Money loves clarity and when you show that you’re ready to step up and take control of your finances, you’ll notice that more starts to flow to you.

So that’s my personal top 10 abundance hacks. Which one appeals to you most? Which one are you going to use today?

Comment below to let me know and commit to allowing more to flow to you.

Your next step. Want to discover some more super-powerful ways to create the abundant life you truly desire (and deserve!)? Click here to join my free 7-Day Money Mastery Kickstarter Challenge and get going right away.


  1. Thanks Nicola, this reminds me of all the things I should be doing and often don’t – and some I hadn’t thought about! Very inspirational reading it with the sunshine pouring through the window and a real sense of possibility in the air …………….I shall get practicing!

  2. Thank you, Nicola! I’ve been hacking the web all day, looking for tips on how to shift the stories embedded in my subconscious. Nothing I’ve found in my online travels has been as helpful as your website, particularly because you reaffirm what I’ve been sensing in my gut for a while now: we CAN do this work on our own, if we know how to guide ourselves. Since I’m in the middle of trying out a meditation practice with an eleven year old son I adore, I’m very aware that the stories we tell ourselves consciously can help us reset the ones we tell ourselves unconsciously. So thank you for these super helpful tips. Sending you a smile and a blessing! (Did you feel that?)

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