It’s time to bring your gift to the world & get abundantly well paid for it!

Have you dreamed of having the freedom to express your best self in the world and get well paid to do so at the same time?

Would you LOVE to finally release whatever you’ve been allowing to hold you back from being your truest, fullest self and working with others for their highest good?

When you have the unmistakable clarity, focus, inspiration, faith and financial abundance that comes from fully living your gift, you lose any of the confusion and procrastination you experienced in the past and become the magnificent, unbound woman you are here to be. 

welcome to live your gift live!

You're not here to follow the expected path and fit into the neatly labelled box that others have tried to squeeze you into.

You are a map-maker.
You are a trail-blazer.

You are one of the women who are here to create new ways that will finally allow the old, restrictive structures and systems to fall away. 

You've got important work to do. And there's no time to waste...

At the Live Your Gift Retreat, you'll recognise that you already have everything you need within you to be living a fully-expressed life, sharing your magic wtih the world and being beautifully supported in all ways (including financially).

Maybe you've been thinking that you have to wait until you've done that next training, built a bigger following or got your shit together?

These are just stories you've been telling yourself that are designed to keep you small and safe. And I've got a feeling that deep down you KNOW you didn't come here to be small or safe, did you?

It's time to let go of these old stories and start living your gift!

In my work with Nicola, I uncovered so much more beyond starting a business. I discovered hidden jewels of myself which had laid buried and unpolished for years. I came to realize my time with Nicola was an unwrapping of the gift I am, a remembering of how much I deeply desired to fully live life. I began the journey with Nicola as a determined soul ready to birth a business. The journey together led me to rediscovering my creativity, imagination and the feeling of living a blissful life.   

When you are LIVING YOUR GIFT, you will have:

  • clarity about how to best combine your multifaceted skills and abilities, so you can best use them for the hightest good of yourself, your clients and the world in general.
  • complete trust and faith in your ability to create a consistent and abundant stream of income from your gifts.
  • key
    a deep knowing and ownership of who you are and what you have to offer to the world that magnetises your soulmate clients to you. 

During the Live Your Gift Retreat, you'll discover the key to the unique combination of experience and expertise that will enable you to share your gift in the most potent way. 

You'll learn how to lead with pleasure rather than fear and how to use the power of your perceived flaws to make your life and business POP.

By the end of the retreat, you will:

  • know precisely what you're here to share with your soulmate clients right now.
  • have unshakeable confidence in your unique gift and how to bring it to the world.
  • have a clear plan for your next steps and the inspired action you will be taking in order to increase the flow of clients and income into your business.

This was extremely powerful. Think I finally feel ready. Thank you! Words are failing to express how helpful this process has been and how needed it was. - JESSY

I'm Nicola Humber, leader of and mentor to unbound women.

When I started my coaching and hypnotherapy practice back in 2010, I didn’t have a clue what my gift was (or even that I had one!) I spent the first few years fumbling around, trying to be all things to all people, diluting my magic and burning myself out in the process.

A part of me knew that there had to be another way. Because I started my business to experience freedom, flexibility and deep creativity, not lethargy, obligation and mediocrity!

So I embarked on a journey of research, experimenting to find what truly turned me on and how I could bring this to the world in a way that created powerful results for my clients, an abundant flow of income AND felt amazing for me.

After working with hundreds of women, both online and in-person, I’ve discovered that there are some key elements to living in and from your gift.

When women aren't fully living their gifts, it's usually for one of these three reasons:

  • They have a lack of clarity and confidence about what their gift truly is and how to bring it to the world.
  • They have layers of accumulated beliefs and blocks about whether they're good enough and their ability to create money in the world.
  • They tell themselves stories about it not being their 'right time' or not having enough time to truly step into their gift. 

I can't bear to see these limitations playing out in so many brilliant women. The truth is that the world NEEDS unbound women like YOU to be fully living in their gifts right now (and being beautifully supported to do so)!

If you're reading this,... it's YOUR time!

I designed this retreat for you if...

You feel like you have SO much untapped potential within you that it's almost overflowing and you're ready to harness this in the most powerful way.

You have SO many ideas and downloads flowing through you and you want to find a way to channel these into something coherent.

You know that when you do work with someone or share your creations with them, you get amazing feedback but you haven't been able to translate this into a sustainable, abundant business (YET!).

This is your invitation unbound one! 

Let's create a space for you to alchemise all of your experience, your glorious (so-called) imperfections and deep inner knowing into the life and business you've always dreamed of.

(Because life's too short to hold back and live in compromise.)

I am astonished how empowered I feel simply from this one event with you! - attendee at UNBOUND Live

The LIVE YOUR GIFT RETREAT is being held at the gorgeous Balmer Lawn Hotel in the heart of the New Forest.
In this stunning location, you’ll get to connect with your own genius as you allow yourself to be supported by the magic and spirit of the forest.

You'll discover how to amplify, elevate and enrich what you bring to the world, so you can share your gift in the most potent way.

This work can't be done from behind a laptop, sat at your desk or by writing in your journal. This in-person retreat is designed to help you integrate and embody your brilliance in circle with your unbound sisters. 

I am astonished how empowered I feel simply from this one event with you! - attendee at UNBOUND Live

The retreat experience runs from 
Tuesday, 12th June to Thursday, 14th June.

Here’s what's included in your package:

  • 2.5 days of Experiential Live Your Gift training and exercises (Tues. & Wed. - 10am to 4:30pm and Thurs. - 10am to 1pm)
  • Transformational forest walk experience
  • 2 night’s accommodation at the Balmer Lawn Hotel (Bed & Breakfast)
  • Lunch and refreshments during the retreat sessions
  • £30 allowance towards your dinner on Tuesday evening
  • Private dinner and new moon experience on the Wednesday

Claim your space now for just £997 (or two instalments of £500).

Full Payment
of £997

Two Instalments
of £500

I know that if you're reading this, you're meant to be sharing your gift in a more potent way than you've been doing until now.

These are times of change and evolution and YOU are an important part of that!

The time for staying small and sharing your gift in a half-hearted, apologetic way has passed. We NEED you to be fully-expressed NOW!

Claim your space today!

Full Payment
of £997

Two Instalments 
of £500

I feel my life course will change because I came to this event! - attendee at UNBOUND Live

© Nicola Humber, 2018. All rights reserved.