How to feel better when you believe that good things can’t last

How to feel better when you believe that good things can't lastI’ve been speaking to a lot of clients recently who have an underlying belief that ‘Good things don’t last’.

Whenever things are going well in their lives or businesses, rather than enjoying the good times, they have this niggling fear that it’s all going to slip away at any moment.

I wonder if you can identify with this?

Do you find it challenging to relax and enjoy the times when things are going well for you, because you’re expecting something bad to happen?

Here are some examples of how this belief – Good things don’t last – can show up in your life:

You have a great month financially in your business, but rather than celebrating you immediately start worrying that next month won’t be so good.

You sign-up an ideal new client and fear that they’ll back out before you start working together.

You meet the perfect partner, but instead of enjoying your first few weeks together you’re on the constant look-out for what’s wrong with them (because there must be something, right?)

Not only is it draining to have this underlying fear and doubt, BUT when you’re constantly expecting bad things to happen, you’re likely to manifest the very thing that you fear.

You get more of what you focus on.

So, if you’re worrying that something is going to go wrong, it probably will.

This can lead to a rollercoaster income (with more lows than highs), unreliable clients and friction in your personal relationships.

So, how can you begin to shift this limiting belief and let go of the fear that good things can’t last?

My go-to tool is tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique).  I’ve created a short tapping routine to help you let for of any fears or doubts and expand your capacity to enjoy the good stuff (and attract more of it into your life).

How did you get on?  What kind of shifts or insights did you notice as you were tapping around?

I’d love you to comment below and let me know.

And if you want to create EVEN more abundance in your life (and maintain it!), click here to join my free 7-day Money Mastery Kickstarter Challenge and get started right away.


  1. Great advice Nicola, thanks for creating a quick easy-access tool for people to use.

    Even when we know that you should focus on what we want in your life – as opposed to what we don’t want – our conditioning is hard to get past!

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