Episode 9 with Brenda Gabriel (Heal Your Inner Good Girl Podcast)

In this episode, I’m speaking with the wonderful Brenda Gabriel.

After being run off her bike in 2012, Brenda had an epiphany. Then a civil servant, she was shaken to her core and questioned whether she would have been happy with her obituary had her life ended that day. The answer to that question was a resounding ‘No’.

The opportunity for redundancy arose a short while later and at 8 months pregnant Brenda took a leap into the unknown. Discovering a flair for marketing and PR was a turing point and thus, Brenda Gabriel Biz Gamechanger was born. Honing her craft as publicist, copywriter, social media coach and blogger, Brenda, now a mum of three is on a mission to make her difference in the world by working with other disruptors to do the same.

During our conversation she talks about the expectation to be a ‘good girl’ when she was growing up and how this impacted on her up until very recently. I love the energy that Brenda brings to her work and she has definitely let go of her inner good girl to express her unbound, fierce, passionate self.

You can find out more about Brenda and her work at: http://brendagabriel.co.uk/


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